Monday, March 3, 2014

Be Prepared for the Robot Apocalypse (part 1)

According to the article below, robots will be smarter than us by 2029. How does that make you feel? We've grown up with sci-fi books and movies warning us that robots will decide humans are a problem. Already, drones are far beyond simple remote-control weapons, and their AI's are being designed towards total autonomy. Should we fear a Robot Apocalypse? Plenty of people have already prepared for a supposed “Zombie Apocalypse,” a scenario that the CDC has actually promoted as a possibility. Even though zombies are far less likely than killer robots with rogue AI's, I've yet to read any warnings to being prepared for a Robot Apocalypse. This week, we'll take a few tips from the Solar Echoes robot talents and learn how to improve our chances at surviving when robots decide we're no longer needed on this planet.

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